Enriching, Christ-Centered Activities
Kindergarten through 6th Grade students interact and grow at Ad Fontes, empowered by fun activities and programs. Learn how they deepen friendships, grow spiritually, and develop their gifts and interests.
Weekly Chapel and Daily Devotionals
Every morning, the lower school students gather for devotionals. On Thursdays, the students come together for worship through music, prayer, and a message from Scripture.

Class Parties and Events
Ad Fontes students love a great party! Throughout the year, students celebrate their study of history and literature with games and feasts such as the Greek Olympics (1st), Egyptian Feast (1st and 4th), Medieval Feast (2nd and 5th) and Colonial Day (3rd and 6th).
Living History Museum Presentations
Grades 3-6 present Living History Museum projects each Spring. Students research a historical figure within their historical time period and present with props at a live museum for parents and friends.

Field Day
At the end of the school year, students join the Upper School students for a special day with fun competitions, games, face painting and great snacks.
Service Projects
Students learn to care for one another in class, to serve local neighbors in the Centreville area.

Field Trips
Students make frequent field trips to support their studies in history and science. The list of typical field trip options are listed in the Grades K-6 overview sheets. Learn more about the Lower School.
Music Performances
Students participate in regular presentations to parents and friends at Pastries with Parents, Spring Recitatio, Grandparents Day, Christmas Concert, Open Houses and other special class presentations.
With so many fun and educational activities that foster friendships and develop faith, children and parents alike consider student life at Ad Fontes Academy to be one of the best experiences of attending our private school in northern Virginia.

What Makes Ad Fontes Different?
An Ad Fontes education nurtures students’ hearts, souls, and minds. Our faith in Jesus Christ shapes every aspect of our curriculum and culture. Our classical model of education is a rigorous, relational, and time-honored approach designed to equip students with the tools they need to think for themselves and to communicate articulately.