An Affordable Investment

A classical, Christ-centered education is a long-term investment in your family’s future. We believe tuition for that education should be both fair and accessible.


Student Fee
K – 6 $14,875 $445
7 – 8 $16,875 $600
9 – 11 $16,875 $780
12 $16,875 $940

Ad Fontes is pleased to provide in-class school supplies for Lower School students. Upper School students keep their literature books to begin building their own Great Books library.

Additional Fees & Expenses

  • Uniform (required): We partner with Lands’ End school uniforms. We hold multiple uniform giveaways/exchanges where families pass-on outgrown uniform clothing and accessories in good condition to other families.
  • After-School Sports and Activities (optional): Fees are set individually per sport or activity. Sports and some activities will require additional expenses for equipment, etc. Most sports and activities are scheduled and paid seasonally.
  • Chick-Fil-A Day and Pizza Day (optional): Students are expected to bring snacks and lunch from home daily. Traditionally, we host a Chick-fil-a Day on Tuesdays and Pizza Day on Thursdays. Twice a year, families are offered the opportunity to pre-order Chick-fil-a sandwiches and cheese and/or pepperoni pizza slices for their students for a semester. No changes are allowed during the semester once orders have been placed. Families forfeit their sandwiches or pizza slices if a student is absent.
  • Staff Support and Gifts (optional): The parent association and class parents will organize monetary, food, and other types of donations towards support and appreciation of our faculty and support staff.

Tuition Assistance


Multi-Child Discounts: Ad Fontes provides 10% discount for the second child in a family, a 20% discount for the third child, and a 30% discount for the fourth child and beyond.

Payment in Full: Families who are not receiving any financial aid qualify for a 2% tuition discount if payment is paid in full via check by March 1st.


Payment Plan & Billing: Ad Fontes encourages all families to create an account with FACTS Payment Plan & Billing as a convenient payment option for many additional fees not covered by tuition.

Grant & Aid: Ad Fontes offers tuition reduction based on an evaluation conducted by FACTS, an independent organization that provides third-party, objective and completely confidential financial need assessment for families who apply for assistance. The tuition reduction amount is granted by Ad Fontes based on FACTS recommendations and available funds.

tuition reduction form

Payment Plans

If not paying in full, families have the option to pay in two equal payments or on a 10 or 12 month payment plan.

Payments are made through a third-party payment system, FACTS Payment Plan & Billing. Payment plans typically begin in May.


K-12 private or religious school tuition is an eligible expense for a Virginia529 account. Beneficiaries can grow money free from federal taxes and claim a state income tax deduction on contributions to their account. To learn more about using a 529 to pay your tuition, please visit

“I’ve talked to so many parents who say, ‘I would love to send my child to private school, but I just can’t afford it.’ I believe that all parents want what is best for our children and ultimately, we must trust that God is watching over and protecting our children wherever they may be. However, if you feel God leading you to send your child to Ad Fontes, don’t be discouraged by the ‘how.’ God will provide the way. For us, we feel strongly God has led us to this school and while it does require our family to make sacrifices to do it, by following His plan and sending our son and daughter to Ad Fontes, we are training them up to be disciples of Christ in a loving, supportive environment where they are thriving. We are very thankful to be part of the Ad Fontes family.”

Stephanie R., Ad Fontes Parent

Our Commitment to Excellence & Financial Affordability

Ad Fontes is committed to making our distinctive Christ-centered, classical education available to families from a wide range of economic backgrounds. We believe that when God calls, He provides. We have seen many ways God has provided the resources to make an Ad Fontes education possible for a family.